When you write a HLL program and want to execute
it you
know vaguely that there are some magic programs ( compiler,
linker, loader) at work to convert the the source code file xyz.c
into a binary executable xyz.exe .
[ Or even worse the only thing you know is what button to click
in your IDE to do it ! ]
This thorough spoiling is over when you're down to asm code !
With the help of a little demo program you will get a deeper insight
into the conversion from xyz.asm to xyz.exe.
a) Open a MS-DOS window
b) Get your favorite ASCII editor and create
the file demo.asm :
[ Type it now, understand it later - and dont
use WORD3001
with embedded figures and arabian
fonts ;-) ]
.model small
mov AH,08h
; read 1 char
; from keyboard to AL
; copy AL to DL
mov AH,02h
; write char in DL
; to screen
AH,4Ch ;
return to
c) Assemble the program with
C:> MASM demo
If the code is errorfree then MASM will create an object file demo.obj
[ If you are not in the MASM directory then you
must set your PATH
variable to the path of MASM.EXE
d) Link the program with
C:> LINK demo ( + prog1 + prog2 ....)
This adds info to demo.obj ( e.g. library
routines ...) and creates
the executable demo.exe .
LINK asks for the names of
list-,map-,library- and exe-files.
[ Hitting the enter key will give the default output
Have a look at demo.lst, demo.map
Neglect warnings for the moment [ no stack segment,
no starting address ]
e) Run the program with
C:> demo
demo expects the input of a character from KB:
and sends it
to the screen.
Think about the data flow. Where resides the information
From MASM 6.0 on MicroSoft delivered a program ML
that allowed
to do assembly and linkage in one step.
[ BTW ,in the version MASM6.1
we are running in H312 MASM.EXE is
only a small utility that translates command line options to
accepted by ML.EXE, and then calls ML.EXE
C:> ML demo.asm : creates demo.exe
Useful switches : /Zi
: add debug info ( codeview)
/Fl : add a list file demo.lst
/Fm : add a map file demo.map
A complete call looks like :
C:> ML /Zi /Fl /Fm demo.asm
Have a look at demo.lst, demo.map.
The full list of options is available via :
C:> ML /HELP ;
ML /?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BORLAND version :
If you are working in a Borland environment ( C:>\BC5\TASM....)
you may prefer to use the Borland assembler TASM and linker
MASM and TASM understand the same assembler instructions,
there are some slight differences in the interpretation of macro
directives/pseudo operations.
TASM/TLINK are part of the Borland IDE you
have used during your
first year. When we will come to the point to mix HLL-
and ASM modules
we'll do that most probably with this IDE.
Assembly : C:> TASM /l /n /z demo
creates demo.obj
Switches : /l : create
listing demo.lst
/n : no symbol table
/z : display source lines with errors
For a complete set of options : C:> TASM
Linkage : C:> TLINK /3 /m /v demo
creates demo.exe
Switches : /3 : use 32-bit
/m : create map file demo.map
/v : add debug info for the debugger TD
There is no 1-step program similar to ML - but you
may write a
little DOS script to save typing.
List of all options : C:> TASM /?
; C:> TLINK /?
After being an expert now in handling all the necessary steps
of editing, assembling and linking with separate tools ( and I left
out the most important one, namely debugging ) I suggest that
from now on you use a simple IDE offered by MS
in its infinite
kindness : PWB : Programmers WorkBench .
You will find it in the H312 boxes under WinNT.
If you want to install it at home ( strongly suggested ) you find it
on the CDROM accompanying Kip R. Irvines book : Assembly
Language for Intel-Based Computers [ TXC Irvi ].
Start : Doubleclick the PWB icon
use a DOS window and type
The edit-part of the functionality should be self evident -
File --> -New / -Open / - Save /
-Save as / -Close / -Exit
Edit --> -Cut / -Copy / -Paste
/ -Delete .......
Before you can convert the asm source code into an exe
( = Project Build) you must tell PWB
which kind of executable
you want to build. This is done by setting several options
in the OPTIONS menue :
Options --> Project Templates -->
activate : RunTimeSupport : Assembler
Project Template : DOS EXE
Options --> Build Options -->
activate : Use Debug Options ok
Options --> Language Options --> MASM-Options -->
: MASM 5.1 Compatibility
: Warnings treated as errors
go to --> Set Debug Options -->
activate : Generate Listing File
Generate Symbol Table
Debug Information : (*) CodeView 2x ok
[ If you are lucky you need to set these options only once - they
should be set again by PWB on every new start
Now that all the options are set you are able to build the
Project --> Compile File : DEMO.ASM : create obj only
--> Build : DEMO.EXE : create exe file
--> Rebuild All : reaasemble/link
New Project
: later, for multi module
Open Project
To execute and debug the program :
Run --> Execute DEMO.EXE : switch to user screen for in/output
Debug DEMO.EXE : opens several windows
source window : contains binary and asm code (check
memory window : contains HEX/ASCII representation
of the
data segment
register window : displays current contents of all registers
user window
: appears eventually when input is required,
contains program's output : Hit F4 to see it
Hitting F8/F10 allows now to step through the program
instruction by instruction.
Watch/Breakpoints can be set :
see Data menue -->
Add Watch
--> Set Breakpoint